
Kindergarten Orientation Sessions are aimed to make the child comfortable in and familiar with the facilities and staff at St Joseph’s. They begin with shorter sessions and move to full days. The Orientation days are held across 5 weeks and involve the students in a variety of different activities based on the curriculum. Throughout the Orientation process the children will experience what it is like to be at school and experience each day of the week. Parents are welcome to send their child along whether they have or have not made a decision on where to send their child.

KINDERGARTEN 2024 ORIENTATION PROGRAM: (Children starting Kindergarten 2025)

Our Open Day and Parent Information Evening -

                    Open Day 9.30am-11am Thursday 30th May 2024

                     Parent Information Evening: 6pm Thursday 30th May 2024


It is the current policy of the Archdiocese that children enrolling for Kindergarten should have turned five years of age by 31st July of that year. Any parent wishing to enrol a child who is not in that category will be asked to meet with the Principal who will then refer the matter to the Director of Catholic Education.


During Term One, Kindergarten children do not come to school on a Wednesday for the first four weeks of the Term.​


Early in the year each Kindergarten child will be matched up with a Year 6 child who will be his/her special buddy for the year. The Year Six children help to ease the Kindergarten students' first anxious weeks in the unfamiliar world of primary school, and continue to build a strong relationship throughout the year by working together in many ways.​​

students reading
students learning to read
students reading